Hi: I've read through postings but didn't see anything pertaining to this: have any of you ever had episodes of breathing difficulty along with tightening in the chest area (sternal or slightly lower). Sometimes there is radiating burning pain across upper chest, sometimes not.
First one happened in July. I went to Urgent Care where they told me I was having bronchospasm so they prescribed short-course Prednisone, Nexium 2x's daily, Albuterol and antibiotic. During ensuing visits to MD he said to stay on the Nexium and he promised in 3 weeks I'd get better. I did: barely.
Then I got a terrible viral sore throat in October, went off Nexium for four days, then had this gripping spasming and breathing difficulty again in the upper chest area. Yes, I was very scared, had accompanying panic no doubt which worsened acid, and kept seeing my doctor because the difficulty in breathing was very distressing. A lung x-ray "couldn't rule out pneumonia" so I was put on antibiotic again. I never had a fever, though.
Since then I keep getting these spasms with breathing difficulty: feels like "drag" on my breathing, like something is holding it back. Spasms, for lack of a better word, last from two to four days with Albuterol not really bringing relief. Other more traditional G.E.R.D. symptoms are manageable (trouble swallowing, intense gas, gut pain) but this new twist of trouble breathing is very distressing and doesn't really seem to be getting better - or getting better so slowly it's intolerable. I understand why chronically ill people want to give up.
I've seen an ENT - some swelling and redness of vocal folds - and a Pulmonologist - normal lung function test results - and now I'm waiting to see a new Gastroenterologist.
I just want this breathing issue to go away. I had the Nissen Fundoplication surgery three years ago and had 95% resolution of problems afterward, but now onset of new symptoms. After the Nissen I had trouble swallowing cold liquids for two years.