I had the Gi cocktail in the ER also. It also lasted fairly long for me too. What exactly is in it? I have been on prevacid for many years now, I have tried nexium and some other meds and they don't seem to work anymore. My old gastro kind of tuned me out when I told him I was dx'd with fibromyalgia and possibly lupus. My family doc thinks it could be scleroderma. Which I have been reading up on that and it's a good possibility. But they found my esophagus is dilated. So I had my first appt with the new gastro, but they won't do a colonoscopy until I get the ok by the pulmonary doc for it. I had an endoscope by the old gastro doc and he said he saw esophagitis, but said he didn't need to see me again. But my problems have gotten worse since I saw him in May. I have pain and discomfort down into my stomach. I tried malox too and that doesn't give me any relief.
I saw the post about the cocktail and am wondering if I need to ask my doc about this. I am just tired of feeling like I have acid all the time now. even after taking the prevacid. I have tried taking two a day, on in the morning and one at bedtime. Doesn't help. I am feeling nauseated too now.
Could you leave me know exactly what to ask my GP for? Is it called a GI cocktail?