Hi everyone. This is my first time here. Before I saw my Dr.,I tried a variety of OTC products for what I thought was heartburn. When nothing helped, I went to my Dr. He gave me Nexium to take once a day for 2 wks. He said it would only take 2 wks. to heal my stomach. 2 wks. later I had to see him again, as the burning in the back of my nose & throat was worse. He prescribed 3 more wks. of Nexium and also said to see a gastrointerologist. If the pain went away before the gastro appt. then to just cancel the appt. He was so sure the Nexium would help.It helped some, but I still had the burning in my throat. I have had my bed elevated, been on a bland diet, chewed a ton of gum, taken papaya pills(recommended by a heartburn sufferer). The only relief I get is to not eat at all. My GI appt. is 1/10/07. Does anyone here know what happens at this appt.? My Dr.just said to make an appt. with a GI Dr. & I was so sick with this I didn't ask what happens. Now I'm afraid. Also, has anyone ever heard of Reflux Remedy Website or tried the 3 secret ingredients found in your kitchen, to cure GERD? Does it work?
Sillylilly: where do you get DGL licorice? What is an alkaline diet? Thanks