Lonibel can do that with the lemon juice if she wants since she will not be drinking it straight. It will bypass the esophagus and go strait into the stomach. It would work the same with the apple cider vinegar. It's alot of work though and I don't know how much it can help.
The DGL HAS to be taken in chewable form - how many times can I repeat this!!!!! It ONLY works because it coats the esophagus and heals it and protects it from food going down.
I had posted about slippery elm lozenges. They have been used by opera singers forever for their throat. I still use them instead of a candy when I feel my throat is dry or irritated. They are very good but again they are natural from a plant/tree so watch for any allergic reaction in case you have allergies.
I don't have any allergies or asthma so I was able to try just about all supplements without worrying about allergic reactions.
The same goes for marshmallow root, you can try it but if you have allergies I would think twice about combining alot of things together. This is from plants too.
Marshmallow Root and Herb Benefits