Chewing gum (I only chewed cinnamon gum (Trident) after a meal helps to produce saliva. Chew with your mouth closed, so as to not take in too much air and don't chew for too long. Saliva is alkaline in the stomach.
Cider vinegar (I have already posted this) is an alkaline food. It should not be used while you are in distress with GERD since it's still an acid and willl burn going down the esophagus. It's fine to use in salads with a little olive oil AFTER you are mostly healed.
This is the reason why even if one is on an alkaline diet, they still have to be careful what alkaline food they eat.
For example, LEMONS. They are very alkaline when they reach the stomach(Romans used them in ancient times as a digestive aid) but extremely acidic going down the esophagus. Therefore, if you have GERD you should not use lemon juice or any other citrus juices. Use them when you are healed.
I healed myself by using the DGL licorice and a CORRECT (there are many contradictions on alkaline foods on many sites but I just made some educated guesses on some) alkaline diet- it coated the esophagus, therefore healing it. You heal by being extremely disciplined, the diet I put myself on was very strict. I refused to take more drugs when I saw they didn't help (prilosec for one month). I didn't have any other illnesses to deal with though, maybe that was in my favor.
Hope this clears up the contradictions. Good luck.