Hi there.
Just over a month ago, I started having these chains, which would be sharp and last for around 30secs or so and then go away. I also seem to burp a lot and always have a bloated stomach. I have been to the doc and asked him if I could possibly have some sort of heart disease. There is no family history on this.
I had a full count blood test done, ECG as well as a chest x-ray. Everything came out normal and doc said there was nothing wrong with the heart. I haven't been to a specialist.
The pain is based around where the heart is and once in a while the pain drifts to the right on wide left but most around the heart. Anyone else had this sort of problem before ?? I am starting to worry if its something bigger than just a gas problem. I am still having this same problem.
If anyone could tell me how I could get rid of this, would really appreciate it.