New here today! I am happy to speak to a gathering of 'understanding' sufferers - like me!
Endo this past Mon; no report back from biopsy as of today; GI doc upped Nex to 2 x day (80mg);
and 150 Zantac at bedtime; (sigh)
This started out the first of July 07 and 'out of the blue' it seemed to me. It was GERD with no
symptoms except the acid in my mouth at nite. Instant dislike to that scene - yuck. I often
am almost sitting up sleeping (on family room sofa); and I can STILL have reflux in the mornings.
Am suspecting it to be bile reflux. Need to check the GB again I suppose. Dr. from scope said
he suspected I might have an allergic reaction in my esophagus causing the reflux?!?!!! I have
never had allergies before ... but have never had an sort of sinus related symptoms until good
ole reflux. I keep a stuffy nose - oh joy.
I have had, however, prescrip for generalized (no hives, no bumps, rash) itching - since 2001.
Liver panels are all normal and that is all that has been checked before now.
Q: was wondering if anyone gained any relief for BILE ACID REFLUX via a particular OTC or
rx? Nex, Prevacid are oddly 'good one day' and not so good for several days.
I have stopped coke, spicey foods, sleep elevated, don't eat after 9pm (going to bed midnite);
have lost 12 lbs (from eating more careful frankly); and my ONE indulgence is maybe 1/2 C of
decaf (boo) about twice a day - my one habit.
I would like to keep you / whomever posted on the outcome - as I fully intend on finding a way
OUT and AWAY from reflux ... and also getting off PPI's sooon ... makes ya wonder what the
heck has been in our consumer 'intake' that there are billions on PPI's? They say Advil is terrible
for the LES (sphincter) at bottom of food tube/ esophagus. God help us ... (literally!) AMEN!
I'm praying for the 'lot of us' .. sufferers. ** Dear friend in FL had the Nissan (sp?) op and QUIT
all meds but vitamins and she was so sick with bouts of sinus infections, asthma etc and took so
many steroids over 15 yrs. SHE IS FINE! FINE FINE FINE ... looks great ..feels great.
All asthma went away ... breathing fine, way normal she reports. Can sleep with her little head
on her pillow and SLEEP! (( jealous for now!))
God bless, from NC