I was not a member, but I joined just to respond to this post....THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME about 1/2 HOUR AGO!!! I do not have crohns, or IBS, but I had a really bad stomach ache last night, so I took Pepto Bismol, then Mylanta, and then some Mag o7 caps(magnesium and O2 supplement) this morning, but hours ago...Then, I was watching a Harry Potter movie on the computer and leaned in up close to see a fight scene, and the next thing I knew my face was surrounded in smoke!...I thought for a split second it was some kind of special effect, ridiculous, and then I thought my computer was on fire also...I backed away, and noticed a thick stream of smoke coming out of my nose!! I couldn't believe it...I convinced myself I was overtired from being up all night with my stomach...I actually managed to convince myself I imagined the whole thing, or perhaps hallucinated,because it happened so fast and then vanished by the time i realized what i was seeing, and how the heck could something like that have happened?!...A few minutes later it happened again, and this time I knew I was not imagining it....I suppose it was some kind of reaction with what I have been taking, but, I think it came out of my lungs, not my stomach!! WEIRD!!! So, I googled the words: smoke coming out of my nose?!... and this post came up...I cant believe it!..It is the strangest thing that has ever happened to me...I just wanted to respond, to let you know it has happened to somebody else...SO far I dont see anything else about it on the internet...I was taking differenet medicine than was listed, but I wonder if they have a similar ingredient?