I had my EGD yesterday. My GI said my esophogus looked fine - for that I am thankful - but I have a bit of gastritis. He did a biopsy, but I don't have the results yet. He mainly said to stay on my medications.
Well, I looked up gastritis, and none of the causes fit me. I don't smoke. I don't drink. I haven't had an NSAID in years. So would you believe that the GERD is also causing the gastritis?
Anyone else here have gastritis? I'm a bit upset with the GI to begin with since he told me this when I was still in a fog. I don't even remember saying much to him. I'm supposed to go back in 3 months.
I'm thinking about calling his office Monday am to see if I can get a better explanation or even make an appointment just to talk to him about the results. It really aggrevates me that I pay all this money for a doctor, and he can't take five or more minutes until I'm a bit more clear minded to tell me what he found.
Thanks in advance to all who respond.