Hello everybody.
For the past 2 months, i have felt very ill. It started with abdominal pain and nausea. The pain is gone, but nausea preserves every day. Seems to dissappear when i rest. Now i have started to have a burning feeling in my chest, and weirdly, also in my back and shoulders! It could be heartburn i guess, but i don't feel like it, and no acidic taste in my mouth or anything. I also have shortness of breath while resting and palpitations plus rapid hear beat after meals and when showering.
I have been reading about GERD some, and i am wondering if GERD POSSIBLY could cause:
-shortness of breath
-burning sensation under breastbone & throath & between shoulderblades
This might sound stupid, but i would LOVE for it to be GERD. I am scared of some deadly disease, like aortic dissection. Doctors only took an EKG and bloodwork and nothing will show up on those unless youre actually having a heart attack at that specific moment.
Now the docs think it might be stress, but honestly the only thing that stresses me is my pain! They won't do more tests because i am a 22 yo female with no risk factors, and apparently me being scared isn't enough.
Something else i also suffer from is scholiosis, that is crooked back... and i might be stressed, i am not sure, i had a stressy life earlier but not anymore. Also i heard stress might cause GERD! I am also obese.
I guess i am asking now... do any GERD ppl suffer from similiar symptoms or do you know if it's possible? Or if you know what it is, stress or muscloskeletal related pain? Im willing to look for any reason that ends up with me not dying because of this pain, because i am so so tired of being afraid.
Thanks for your help..