With so many members who have taken the daunting task of a colonoscopy I am sure that there is plenty of advice on the whole proceedure, from start to finish. My BIGGEST concern is the prep. I have a very sensitive stomach and usually will become sick to my stomach when taking horrid liquid meds. Is there any way possible to make the medicine go down any easier (besides a spoonful of sugar)
. My GI ordered the cherry flavored drink, but can I add anything to make it taste better. I would rather have done the pills but now they are warning that the phosphate pills can cause serious kidney damage. That was my only hope. Then there is the camera pill which sounds great, but do you still need to do the regular prep? Does ins. not pay for it? I guess you can tell that I am very nervous about
this proceedure. My friend just had one done and became very sick a couple days later and ended up in the hospital for several days. I don't know what the problem was but it really scared me. I am sure that those kind of results are very rare. I just don't want to be one of the rare cases. I realize that there are always risks in life, so I need to just press through and make the best of it and believe that all will be well.
That said, I would love any positive advice and recommendations on how to tolerate this with as few unpleasantries as possible.
Thank you all so much!