I have been suffering for 3 years (HORRIBLY).
I CONSTANTLY feel like something is stuck, I am in a lot of pain, and the entire esophageal muscle isn't working.
Prevacid must not be working.
I've tried EVERYTHING, but I've been on prevacid the longest.
Is Aciphex stronger? Should I try it for a long period of time to see if it works? Maybe I didn't try it for long enough? Is Nexium the strongest? I think that Nexium caused pain so I probably wouldn't go back to that one...
ALSO, I HAVE tried natural remedies, and EVERYTHING that I read that worked for Danie, didn't work for me...SO, SORRY but it DOESN'T work for me! My esophagus might have atrophied from staravation and the mechanics of it don't work!
LASTLY, I have a good GI doctor who KNOWS that I have very bad symptoms (they were MEASURED in multiple studies, including the PH studies which read that my digestion is "dramatically abnormal.")...My symptoms DO happen when I relax...It is NOT an anxiety problem....
SO, what can I try that I haven't tried for long enough? Is Achiphex the strongest??
Thanks in advance...