I was diagnosed with LPR a little over a year ago. The diagnosis was prompted by nearly 3 years of unexplained shortness of breath and sensations of my throat closing, which I now know are from globus pharyngis.
about a month ago, it seemed that my daily Nexium and Zantac combination lost its effects, yet at the time, I didn't realize it and went into panic mode at the ER for about 2 weeks running. I am getting a few new tests run, but my original ENT is convinced that what's going on is still reflux. Unfortunately, the shortness of breath and the lump in the throat are back with a vengeance and then some, and my anxiety has sky-rocketed. I am up to two Nexium a day since this weekend, but can't take my night-time Zantac until after some allergy tests later this week.
If anyone has any advice or just commiseration, I could surely use it right now.