I'm Zadi, a 53 yo female.
I was reading the thread about Bob Barton's remedy for Reflux. I was hoping it was real, but part of me thought it would probably not be.
I recently was diagnosed with a sliding hiatal hernia. I had been coughing up green mucus for over a year and thought it might be a sinus infection, but after using a bunch of different antibiotics, I was at my rope's end when I found out that GERD can cause coughing. It has been a rather lonely journey as my doctor seemed to be no longer listening to me. I have recently started with a new doctor. I had been on omeprazole 20 mg a day and he suggested that I take 20 mg twice a day. This week has been a hard one, chest pain and coughing and more chest pain. I have a coworker who takes Protonix for her GERD etal and has much success, but my doctor seems to think that it would be overkill. He suggested taking omeprazole with food, but since I only got this second hand from his MA, I did not think to ask if he means taking with a little food or with with a meal. I am overweight, and I know that losing weight would help, and when one does not know what to eat it makes losing weight easier. Today the chest pain and gassiness has been somewhat continuous and at times scary...
Needless to say any thoughts would be great.
Thanks for reading my babbling.