Hi, I'm new to this forum. Do any of you have asthma and esophageal spasms? Had to call 911 about 2 weeks ago, due to an esophageal spasm attack that lasted about 20-30 minutes. The pain was unbearable. I have had esophageal spasms before,(have had them for the past 12 years, but were experienced only 2-3 times per year) but never to this extent. This in turn triggered my asthma. Had shortness of breath, chest pain, and exteme fatigue.
I went to a GI doctor. Will be having an endoscopy done this Friday. GI doctor dosen't understand why I'm having so much fatigue. My legs feel like they have lead in them. I walk real slow. I'm a 48 year old female that was just diagnosed with asthma back in February. Back then I had the same problems with the shortness of breath, chest pain, and extreme fatigue. That's when after a month and a half doctors finally figured out it was severe asthma, due to cardialogist, and pulmonologist results coming out negative.
Now I'm having same problems, but this time I had the esophageal spasm attack that I didn't get back in February.
Can the esophageal problems be realted to the asthma? Have any of you experienced this type of symptoms with esophageal spasms and asthma? Thanks for your support.