For several months I had silent reflux (no pain or acid regurgitation) My symptoms were stomach tenderness, shortness of breath, chronic sinus infections and uncontrollable cough.
I am 42 years old and was diagnosed with Barretts Esophagus in 2001. When I was diagnosed, my reflux was so severe I couldn't even drink water without getting it. My Dr prescribed Nexium 40 mg a day. In 2005, I had a nissan fundoplication sugery to repair my hiatel hernia. After the surgery my reflux symptoms disappeared. My Dr took me off the Nexium. I continued to have a yearly endoscopy, which the results never changed. In March 2008 the endoscopy revealed the Barretts is significantly worse. Dr wasn't concerned with the results and told me to come back in a year for a followup endoscopy.
I was having stomach tenderness, persistent cough, hoarseness, sinus infections and shortness of breath so severe I ended up in the ER. My family Dr ordered lung xrays, whooping cough test, pulmunary functions tests which were all normal. Finally, I mentioned the worsening Barretts to her. She wanted to know what the GI Dr had suggested I do and what medications I was taking. I told her that he took me off of the nexium in 2005. She felt I shouldn't have been taken off of it. She suggested I get a second opinion. The Dr she sent me to for the second opinion also told me I should never have been taken off the nexium. He ordered an upper GI which showed I had another large hiatel hernia and he placed me back on the nexium. He also suggested I make an appointment with a Dr at UPMC who specializes in Barretts esophagus. More tests revealed my sphyncter valve was not working at all and my esophagus was in bad shape, not to the cancer stage yet. Thank God. In October 2008 I had an esophagectomy. A portion of my esophagus was removed and the remaining was reattached to my intestines (roux-n-y). I no longer use my stomach. Since the surgery I feel great. The cough and shortness of breath is gone, I am not hoarse and haven't had a sinus infection since the surgery.
Please make sure you get a dr that is qualified and will listen to your concerns