Welcome, Sometimes there is an area that looks suspicious and the GIs biopsy it. It isn't always Barretts or anything, just an area that doesn't look quite right. This happens a lot with GERD because or the acid or bile.
As far as the meds go, not everyone responds the same to the meds. Sometimes you have to try different ones and different doses before you find what works. Sometimes none of them work, like mine.
Many people tend to have worsening symptoms if the meds aren't working or if it is a LES problem , it gets worse. I wuld say it is somewhat of a typical progression. I did have a worsening progression and that lead me to seek surgical help. I would recommend asking your GI about
trying a different med and that may possibly do the trick. Please don't get worried because they suspected Barretts, they check for that very often and it can be managed.
What kind of symptoms do you usually have and have they worsened?
Take care,