Hi Scarlett,
Congratulations on becoming one of the "wrapped"! Now it's upward and onward to healing and a better quality of life!
Believe me, I understand your fears. I was wrapped on Feb. 27th, 2009, and thanks to the people at the GERD forum was able to do so with a positive attitude. I don't know if you've read any of my old posts, but I'd be glad to post the links if you haven't. I tried to journal my recovery through about 19 days, i believe.
I was warned by someone who had been wrapped 2 years earlier (an aquaintance) that about Day 4 or 5 things get dicey. And they did. With me, it was difficulty swallowing, and I was making gallons of saliva. I just kept spitting it out, because I didn't want to swallow it.
My surgeon warned me that the wrap would become progressively swollen through the first two weeks--peak at 2 weeks, then begin to reduce. It is very normal for the increased swelling to cause you to feel like you're going backwards rather than forward in the healing process. Relax, though. It will get better.
As far as feeliing like some acid is slipping through...I discussed this with my surgeon (actually called him because i was so scared) because I was feeling like I was still having reflux. He said that with the swelling pretty much anything is possible, so not to worry. Until the healing is complete, the wrap isn't settled in to do its job.
If you irritated your wrap with the potato incident, the hiccup reaction is very normal. I would get spasms really bad, but they'd resolve in a few minutes. Try warm/moderately hot tea or just warm water, if that happens. I found it helped to get past the spasms. To this day if I overdo something (too much rough foods/salad entrees, etc.) my wrap can complain. I don't get the spasms, but I can notice the wrap.
Yes, these things will resolve over time. We all have to accept, though, that we're not going to be like we were before we had any GERD problems. We will always have some little quirks or differences. As for me, they are well worth the other positive outcomes, and I am very happy that I got the wrap. I was suffering from uncontrolled asthma, which caused complications after the surgery, but things have settled down. Another quirk I have is a very reactive stomach. I get acid going like crazy, and since I have a loose wrap, I do think I can occasionally get a bit of reflux. No big deal, though. My lungs are doing fine, thank goodness. If I ever need a redo, I will not hesitate to go forward with it.
I agree--thank goodness for the good people here at this forum. I was afraid to move forward with the surgery for years, because of all the negative comments on the iternet. This was the first place i found people who had a positive (yet realistic) attitude towards the procedure. They saved my life.
Take care, Scarlett, and keep posting! There are lots of very caring people who will give you support and information. Best wishes with your healing! If you can surrender to the process, and let your healing lead the way, it'll be much easier. Try not to get frustrated or panic. All will be well.
We're here for you!