I swear I am going through one board at a time on this site.
This is one of the best sites I have found, that offer so much information, and support. Which I learned early on, once I became medically challenged. I have been through the medical ringer since 1995. I have had a hysterectomy, many adhesion surgeries, bladder sling and reconstruction, gallbladder removed, breast biopsy, suffer from chronic pain, hypothyroid, GERD, and anxiety. So with all this experience, why am i afraid. Because the minute I get sent to a specialist, bam surgery! For a period there I was having one or two per year. I had to endure a 4 day hospital stay, before they finally figured out I had GERD and a bad gallbladder. So out the gallbladder went, and on PPI's I went. For the most part, the GERD stayed away... Until I had to switch from Nexium to Aciphex. Insurance would not pay for Nexium.... My GERD episodes increased, and finally last year made a turn for the worse. In October I had a bad case of pneumonia. I thought the increase in my GERD symptoms was due to all the drugs.. So I ignored it. Well in January I could no longer ignore it as I was having daily problems, serious nausea, burping, hiccuping, awakened from sleep by acid or food coming up, then major constipation and I was having difficulty speaking due to laryngitis, and sometimes felt pills were sticking in my throat. That was the straw... Even water upsets my tummy. I started poking around here, and low and behold I very well could have a hiatal hernia. I coughed so hard for 3 weeks, that my lower rib cage became sore from my diaphram smaking it with the major coughing... Hmmm? So I dragged myself to my PM, who changed my acid med to Zegerid, and he referred me to see my GI for an EGD. He would like me to go right to the EGD versus xray first, since I am already on a PPI. I have my appointment Thursday. We will see if the GI doc feels the same. My dilema is I just got a promotion, so I am sure the stress has added to all of this as well. If this ends up with some surgery, what the heck am in in for? The thought of me having to go on medical leave...again, kills me. Atleast 2008 & 9 were surgery free. All I know is my pain levels have spiked, and the side effects of the Zegred are challenging me.
I have read alot of the posts here for the past three weeks.. I feel so lost. I feel like I am about to embark on a very dark journey. I'm not prepared for a gazillion procedures or tests... Mentally or Physically. So I just need some advice and hand holding as I make this trip. I know I will get it because you are all wonderful here. Thanks for listening.... Sue