Hi I am a visitor from the Crohn's section. I have recently been suffering from horrible stomach pains, and my fellow Crohnie's beleive it may be due to acid reflux. I don't know much about acid reflux considering I haven't had heartburn but maybe 10 times in my life, and only suffered from indigestion once I think.
These are my symptoms...
-sharp pain in upper stomach (right below the sternum), steady pain that seems to hurt more when I take a deep breath. Stomach feels like a hard knot about the size of a fist, and is actually buldging out a bit.(Very painful!)
-last night I thought I was having a heartattack (sharp pain in the middle of the chest...moved to shoulder and underneath the left arm. Lasted an hour or so, but hasn't bothered me today.
-Have had the stomach pains for three days now, but no sign of heartburn. I took some Bentyl thinking it was stomach cramping, but didn't help at all; I also took a Darvocet to see if I could knock the edge off but no luck with that either.
So what do you guys think? Does this sound like acid reflux to you? I will call my GI tomorrow, but I have been trying to wait this out and see if it will go away on it's own. After three days it has only gotten worse so I give up! I need relief!
Merry Christmas to all!