babygirl10150 said...
I got that bad!! Mine was just an effect from the acid coming up. I found chewing gum really helped because the saliva neutralizes acid and keeps you swallowing. I had a bad episode in a store and thought I was going to pass out. I had to sit on the floor. You can talk to your dr about meds. I have 3 different ones. Reglan, Zofran, and Phenergan. I think the Zofran works the best as long as they are the dissolvable tablets and I don't have any side effects from it. Reglan gives me mood swings and anxiety. Phenergan makes me really drowsy. There are OTC antinausea meds too. I have Nauzene which works ok too.
Hi Michelle, I just sent you a mail mentioning my problem and felt to reply to your post too. I am having exact same problem and I chew gum the whole day to prevent the reflexes. Multiple Doctors have told me that these are just reflexes but the medication hasnt' helped me much, I am feeling thiese strong reflexes for almost a decade now, can you tell me more about
what you are doing to stop it ? I am going through all your posts too to understand your medical history and to gain more knowledge
Thanks in advance