Since my GI has no clue for me I thought the group might have some experience with meds and inflamed stomach.
I only take a couple tramadol a day, but it is supposed to cause nausea, which I don't have from it. Maybe it could be my 2 cups of coffee on an empty stomach with the tramadol. Other than that I can only think of my daily vitamin.
My GI took some biopsies during the endo, but he'll only call if they show something. I didn't have H. pylori before and am not expecting that. I haven't been ill.
I hope it's not my pain killer because I haven't been able to find anything else that works for fibro and arthritis that doesn't have intolerable side effects. I did give up the coffee and went to green tea. I can live without coffee, but it would be too much if I can't have one little pleasure (tea). It's only been two days, but the sore throat (from the endo) and constant refluxing (since the vomiting episode) continue. I'm taking Nexium.