Hello - I had a hiatel hernia also that ended up being 3/4 of my stomach. I was experiencing pain in my chest by the breast bone. I was having troubles eating because it felt like my stomach was blowing up and filling my chest each time I ate anything. I had my wrap done on July 27th. I had some complications in the hospital but I really believe that the hospital messed up with my morphine. I've been off of any heartburn drugs since the week after surgery with no heartburn at all. Woo Hoo!!! I even gave my Acifex samples away. I now eat whatever I want. The only lingering issue that I'm having is the fact that I can't feel hunger. I get no hunger pains at all and I eat only because I know I have to. Food is losing it's appeal to me. Although, this is kinda a good thing since I need to loose weight anyway. I highly recommend the procedure. It's changed my life for the better. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.