Hi Sandi,
Hey, that's what we're here for! I had the surgery two years ago, and I continue to help out here because the people who were here then helped me so much.
From my calculations you're just about
6 weeks post-op. Your recovery is still in the baby stages! I was told by a more experienced member here that it takes 6 months for the majority of the recovery, and a full year for the rest.
It is true that we recover so quickly on the outside that we forget what we've actually had done. Your GI tract was literally revamped. Your stomach was stretched and wrapped around your esophagus, then stitched to stay there! Not to mention your hernia repair, that is just now finishing its healing.
When I was going through recovery the swelling of my stomach mimicked fullness, and I could eat very little without feeling totally full (I'm talking maybe a third of a cup total). I think that helped me. Be sure to keep your meals very small and eat more often.
Just because you're dumping now, doesn't mean you'll be dumping always. It will take a little time for things to straighten around. For me (fully healed)it's variable. It might be only a day, a couple days, or a week...then the dumping goes away the way it came...pretty inexplicably! The first time I experienced dumping I really worried. Some of the scary posts on the internet that almost kept me from having the surgery talked about
dumping as a constant problem. It scared me to think that it might be happening to me.
When you've had this surgery, everything that happens is a real worry. We're so anxious to have our procedure a success that as we heal we're on pins and needles...hoping that things continue to progress.
As in everything, there are forward and backward steps. When we overdo it in the early stages of healing, we'll suffer the consequences...unfortunately, it's an unavoidable fact.
Here's another link with information on Dumping Syndrome. Most of what you read will refer to bariatric/weight loss surgery, but Nissen fundoplication also affects the stomach, and can be a cause.
Here's the link...
www.bariatric-surgery-source.com/dumping-syndrome.htmlAs I said, it's not something you have to worry about
...like me, you may get it very occasionally even when you're fully healed, but it is still better than my pre-surgery condition! Some never get it.
Hang in there...it takes a few months to really get things under control. I had my surgery on February 27th, and by July 4th was on vacation and eating out freely, enjoying myself thoroughly. You'll get better...it's a gradual process, but it will happen!
Take care,