I have not officially been diagnosed b/c the gastroenterologist said that he would like to wait and see if it goes away due to the fact that it did come on so suddenly without me eating or doing anything differently. In fact, two months ago when I had my endoscopy he sent me home telling me not to worry and that he felt like in 2 or 3 months this whole thing would all be a bad dream. Unfortunately, here I am 2 months later and still having issues. I don't know why the LPR went completely away for over 2 weeks only to return WITHOUT the addition of any new foods. I eat a bland diet of oatmeal without milk, egg whites, almonds, chicken / fish, veggies, apples, peanut butter, and lots of water. I drink NO other beverages aside from water and I do NOT eat processed foods...except chocolate which I do eat daily but like I said I had no pain for over 2 weeks despite eating chocolate. This is all so crazy to me. I'm too logical to understand I guess. I've taken good care of my body and exercise daily and I feel like that should've prevented my sphincter from crapping out especially when I see others eating junk and drinking alcohol till their heart's content without a problem. I would LOVE to eat pizza again.