thanks for the kind words
hey i looked so more and found this
this article does not exactly speak to the issue you raised but its as close as i could come
you wanted to know about
fundoplication decreasing risk for barretts right?
well how about
a study that looks at people with barretts already, who then get fundoplication and what happens to their baretts after the surgery!!
seems to me if people saw their barrets regress or even go away after fundoplication, then that would suggest that those without barretts who get fundo should see a decreased risk for ever getting barretts, right? i mean that sems to make sense
so here it is
this study shows that 18 percent of those with BE who got fundoplication saw their barretts go away two years or so later !!
( an another 9% saw the length of their BE get shorter)
best wishes
mock turtle
ps but then again this article questions whether or not fundoplication is a cancer preventative
so i dont know what to think...well... i gotta go with the first article, cause acid belongs in the stomach
Post Edited (mock turtle) : 10/2/2011 9:12:29 PM (GMT-6)