Hi ARM,Thanks for the update. Listen. Don't waste another moment of your young life worrying! You are doing the right thing to follow up on your condition. Several very knowledgable doctors have assured you that you will not get esophageal cancer. Sure 2% gives you some chance, but there's a chance you'll be hit by a car, and you don't spend your life indoors, worrying that you're at risk.
Get busy with your life, take whatever antacids help your condition, and stop worrying. Of course you'll go for rechecks from time to time, so docs can keep an eye on your esophagus. That is the prudent thing to do. But for you to spend another moment fearful about a future problem that is highly unlikely, is a huge waste of your precious time here on earth!
Take it from an old friend here at the forum (and I'm talking old), at 28 you have your life ahead of you. Don't spoil the good times by worrying about something that is highly, highly unlikely to occur. Let your docs worry about that!
In this day and age, doctors are very hesitant to give you any type of reassurance for fear that they'll be wrong and you'll come back and sue them. If your docs have given you such an assurance, you can be confident that they're absolutely sure about it.
Relax. Enjoy life! If goes by far too quickly.
Best wishes,