Hi Nancy,Many surgeons (including mine) keep their post-Nissen patients on PPIs while they are healing. During the early stages of recovery, there can even be some reflux, until the wrap swelling goes down and it settles into place. Also, the PPIs can protect the healing wrap for a while.
Often people will go off PPIs immediately and then experience some reflux symptoms, so they go back on for a while. There are some who go off "cold turkey" immediately after the surgery and have no problems whatsoever. It's very individual.
You are probably aware of PPI rebound...when you go off them after being on them for a long time you can have an increase in acid.
If your stomach is burning, it seems like it makes sense to continue with the PPI you were taking, until your healing has progressed further. You can take something like liquid Maalox to coat and soothe your stomach.
Best wishes,