Zantac = 150mg, famotidine = 20mg.
Now, the unknown here is the degree of reflux at that time. It's entirely possible that my reflux wasn't as serious as later, but, I didn't begin this therapy until I had a complete breakdown of my voice with it was perhaps serious enough. It took perhaps 9-10 months for my vocal cords to completely heal.
So, the history is something like this:
11/08 - first visit to ENT, Zantac prescribed
~2/09 - switched to famotidine after a GI suggested this was better (lower dosage?)
~10/09 - vocal cords nearly fully healed, no more meds
~2/10 - LPR symptoms begin returning, accelerating voice symptoms over following months
~4/10 - globus sensation appeared
~10/10 - globus sensation disappeared after two weeks of omeprazole
11/10 - lost voice for second time (until present)
~11/10-5/11 - Dexilant, Aciphex, and Nexium
8/11 - TIF
Post Edited (bcfromfl) : 1/9/2012 4:12:32 PM (GMT-7)