Marcello,I can tell you that after my surgery when I got reflux symptoms I didn't find many more experienced Nissen patients who had experienced what I described. This made me much more fearful that I was experiencing the symptoms of a failed wrap.
I called my surgeon's office and spoke to him directly. He assured me that "anything is possible" during the healing stages of a Nissen, and that indeed, some reflux can escape when the swollen wrap doesn't seal the opening properly.
I don't know if you had LPR/atypical symptoms, but I am a strong believer (from my years of experience talking with members and exploring the topic online) that those of us who had atypical symptoms are far more sensitive to any small amount of reflux that makes it into our esophagus.
People with typical GERD symptoms that are bad enough to require surgery are used to high quantities of reflux and even food flowing into their esophagus. They aren't necessarily as sensitive to small quantities. This may be the reason that post-Nissen reflux complaints are not as common on these boards, since those people are the majority who are led to Nissen surgery. Just a theory.
Still, I assure you that early reflux sensations are not an indication of a failed surgery. If you read other posts, you can see that things do improve over time. This surgery takes more than a few weeks for recovery. It's a long-term issue, and you need to give it time.
If you have symptoms and irritations that have bothered you for years while you experienced reflux, they will not heal overnight. My lungs took a full two and a half months to show improvement.
Take your PPIs, surrender to the path your recovery takes, and let it happen. Just follow where it takes you, without struggling against what is. You will heal, and you'll feel better. It takes time.
Happy healing,