Hello GERD Sufferers,
I just read through as many posts as I have time for. Here's my story: had nagging post nasal drip starting back in December, which now, 3 full months later, has developed into a full blown constant glob of mucus in my throat. Everything came to a peak back in Janunary when I got a sinus infection and the antibiotics starting flying. What was left was the clear glob, and what feels like a knot at the bottom of my rib cage (not necessarily painful, just "there"). I think the antibiotics and the steroids made everything worse. Have been to 3 ENT's, the 3rd to confirm conflicting diagnoses. Last one says sinuses fine - it's GERD. I am on Zantac 300 at night, Dexilant in the morning. I have cut out alcohol, am not overweight, and don't eat before lying down. I have not yet cut out my 1 cup of coffee in the morning, but I can't believe that could set off all this mucus, all day long. My symptoms persist. I haven't seen a gastroenterologist yet but the last ENT (who I did like), said to give my new lifestyle 4 weeks and then go back to him. Should it take that long to at least start to see progress? Should I bypass him altogether and find a gastro instead? Some websites have said to avoid citrus, garlic, onions, chocolate, wheat products, fats, dairy products,...and the list goes on. Doesn't leave us with much more than tofu! Anyone find a diet that works on this? I am very small and not looking to lose weight. I have also read that if left untreated, damage to the esophagus can lead to an untreatable cancer...very scary!