Hi Will,Good to hear from you, but sorry you were sick. Hope you're feeling better today. That's kind of what happened to me post-op, but it was closer to the year mark. I vomited pretty suddenly with little warning.
Repeated vomiting is the problem, I think. Also at 4 months your wrap is pretty strong. My issue was coughing, and I was assured my wrap was healed and strong by a month or so, I think. I always worried that my constant coughing would compromise my wrap. Thankfully, though, it remained strong.
Be sure to have those anti-nausea meds handy so you can avoid vomiting as much as possible. Even if it catches you unawares, you can take the meds to keep you from repeated episodes.
Thanks for stopping by. It's always helpful to hear from experienced "wrapsters"!
Best wishes,
Post Edited (dencha) : 3/20/2012 8:41:12 PM (GMT-6)