Hi Barry,If your wrap is too tight the food/drink that you're eating is also sitting at the wrap site the way the barium is. That food/drink can ferment and irritate the esophagus and actually reflux up even to your mouth (especially if you burp...the air escaping from the burp can send it all the way to your mouth--I had that experience).
Fermented food and trapped medication can irritate and create reflux-like pain as it waits to make its way slowly through the wrap. Believe me...it can mimic reflux perfectly. I'm positive that if your wrap was too loose you wouldn't have gotten that result.
So...what to do? I'm quite sure your GI doc will want to dilate the wrap and loosen it up a bit. It may take more than one procedure, as I'm sure he/she will want to take it slow so as not to make it too loose. He/she will dilate it a bit...then see if it helps...and go from there.
Hang in there. It will get better with healing.