Hi everyone,
I noticed when I do not eat something for a while during the day, I get this dry cough. It feels like your going to cough out your lungs or your going to throw a part of your stomach or valve. Or like a cough where you want to throw up, but there is nothing to throw up.
I tend to get this when I do not eat anything or skip a meal of the day, especially if I do not eat breakfast. For instance, I have cereals every morning, almond milk and rice cereal. Today, I opted for bread and almond butter and almond milk. I took a test for a job like at 10am and came out like 1pm and had the nastiest dry cough. After I ate, the cough went away. It was not food I ate because it happens when I eat other things. I think it is often caused by not eating in general.
Does anyone else get similar symptoms? I am not talking about a sore throat after eating or before due to LPR. I am talking about a dry nasty cough.
Or how do people feel when they do not eat for a while?
I do not have asthma nor smoke. I am also not sick with the cold, flu or have bronchitis, emphesezema and etc. It does not happen everyday, but it does happen when I do not eat.