Your pains sound pretty much "normal" to me. I have also had these pains, matter of fact I am having some as we speak. I have had pain in my chest so bad that I thought I was having a heart attack. I get pretty bad muscle cramps in my back, side and chest area from time to time. I am actually glad to hear that someone else has those to because I have actually been afraid to mention these to my doctor because I am so tired of all the tests that come back normal. I can also tell you, that for at least, when these pains or GERD flare ups happen my anxiety seems to shoot up because I worry to much and that tends to make things worse and all I want to do is lay down or find a quiet place to hide for a while.
But if you have not been to a GI doc you really need to go. They can set you up on a diet and or meds that will help take the edge off and slow down the internal damage the acid is doing.