Hi Kiwi,Welcome to the Healing Well Wrapped Club! Glad to hear you're doing so well. Every so often someone comes through the forum who doesn't have the typical amount of stomach swelling and can eat larger amounts. Generally though, if they eat too much they suffer afterward.
When you say you eat "normal food", do you still have to take small bites and chew thoroughly before swallowing? I started on normal foods Day 6, but my surgeon told me to use my own good judgement and eat only foods that could be chewed to a liquid/creamy consistency. I didn't have any trouble with that, but it wasn't like eating pre-Nissen. I had to be very careful, and during the first few weeks it could be uncomfortable, as my wrap would complain at times.
I think eating restrictions are put in place because some surgeons don't trust their patients to follow more liberal eating parameters. They're worried that someone will eat a chunk of something that will get stuck and will need an endoscopy to get it out. My surgeon said that this had only happened one or two times, and he was very comfortable with a more liberal eating protocol.
Glad you've joined us! Continued good luck with your recovery!
Best wishes,