my daughter is 21 and for the past 3 years she has been waking up with chest pain and vomiting and heart palpitations. Comfort seems to be long showers. She had a brain anurysm and stroke 6 years ago and all is clear with that. Prior to this she suffered chronic migraines ifor 6 years until it was a daily event going to the ER and the previous ct scan missed the anurysm due to looking at synus or neck or something.
Anyway I am not sure if this early morning waking is caused by anxiety. We have had the usual blood tests ok. A camera scope all ok. She was perscribed zoloft but gave her extreme sweats. Also she comes up in hives, but not all the time. The hives come and go and her back can look like someone has whipped her. She is now 4 months pregnant as has just gone to the ER again which will be her 15th time. They usually give her maxalon and pethadine or morphine. Then she comes good and we go home. Now that she is pregnant she is getting it more severe and earlier in the morning. It literally wakes her up. This morning there was blood in the vomit probably from strain. She had kidney stones 3 years ago to top things of.
She used to smoke marijuana as a substitute for underlying stress. Dr said that its because of the pot that she is being sick. since being pregnant she has rarely smoked it and is trying her best to keep positive and look forward to her baby. We have been through domestic violence and a tremendous amount of stress. She has been admitted to the mental health ward twice and had a heart monitor put on her. Apparently suffered from severe panic attacks in her sleep. But typical 20 yo went of perscribed medication serequel zoloft after a few months. I cant remember if these helped her or not its been so long now.
The father is not around now and I am dealing with this on my own. I will get my other daughter of to school and go to the ER and see what they say. Gerd perhaps Cealic disease or cyclic vomiting syndrome. Hylopyrobateria perhaps. Dysautonomia.
This girl is the toughest kindest person in the world and it killing me watching her suffering and not being able to help. I am worn out from getting up with her early hours etc but thats the least I can do.
So wish I had answers.