Posted 8/16/2012 12:58 AM (GMT 0)
I have not told my doctors about this because it's pretty uncommon and embarrassing.
After I eat, I get this sensation in my nose where I sneeze and blow my nose up until I can tell that the food has digested. It's like my food is trickling into my nasal passages and causes it to itch. In addition to this, I belch after eating ANYTHING, right after eating and several minutes/hours later.
My most recent endoscope in March revealed mild esophageal reflux via biopsy and chronic stomach irritation.
I had a HIDA scan in June that showed that my gallbladder's functioning at 7%. I am awaiting an ultrasound to see if there's sludge or gallstones. I don't have the classic gallbladder disease issues.
I am also awaiting the results of an esophageal manometry test that was completed last Friday.
All in all, I am just frustrated. The only time I don't belch is when I drink water.
I am on a mission to greatly reduce all processed foods and common heartburn triggers (LOVE tomatoes, garlic, and onions- could eat them alone, but oh well).
I tried Dexilant- made me hurt like something crazy, Prevacid/Prilosec/Nexium no relief.
I am beginning to wonder if me being constipated contributes to the issues I am experiencing.
Sorry I am all over the place. I try not to allow my condition to consume me, but every time I think of food or eat it, I wonder if this time will be better, but it hardly ever is.