Hi Liz,Heartburn feelings are totally normal during the healing process. The esophagus is a dumb organ that interprets all pain as reflux. Wine is very acidic and if it sits at the wrap for a little while it will be even more irritating...that irritation is interpreted by the esophagus/brain as refux. Reflux is possible after a Nissen, even after you're fully healed. Surgeons go for "normal" reflux levels, not zero reflux. If they achieved zero reflux the wrap would be so tight that you couldn't swallow.
It's very normal to fear a failed wrap during early recovery. Actually, it's something we "wrappers" always have lingering at the back of our minds. It's not worth worrying about. You're at an early stage of recovery and healing takes a long time. Six months for most of the healing and a full year for the rest. I had improvements into the second year. Your upper GI tract has been assaulted and revised. It takes time for healing and adjustment to the changes.
As far as eating goes, I was set free to eat "anything that could be chewed to a liquid" on Day 5 or 6 post op. Really, that's what your surgeon is saying now. If you take small bites and chew, chew, chew, until whatever you're eating is smooth and no longer chunky, you can eat anything. Just choose your foods carefully. It's a trial and error experience, but you'll get a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn't. Just let your mouth be your blender.
Since your esophagus/wrap is still easily irritated, stay away from acidic and spicy foods. Toasted bread and crackers chew fine. If something doesn't chew thoroughly, don't swallow it. Have a paper napkin handy and discreetly deposit it there.
Listen to your body. Surrender to your recovery and follow it where it takes you. You can't rush this, and if you can go with the flow and let your body tell you what you can and can't do it will go easier for you. Patience and trust. Worrying won't hurry your healing...
The time will come when you will comfortably be able to drink wine again. Just give your upper GI tract time to heal more. You'll know when that time comes. Every so often just give it a try and see how it goes. Don't overdo anything, though.
Your doc said no bread, but I'd add no steak or steak-like meats. If you've got a craving for beef use the crock pot. I always found hamburger was irritating to my wrap...all that gristle, I guess. Be very careful with raw veggies, too. They can scratch as they move through the wrap and create more irritation.
It will get better, I promise. It just takes time...a long time...to heal and adjust.
Go with the flow...listen to your body...you'll do just fine!
Happy eating!