Posted 10/16/2012 2:39 AM (GMT 0)
If you can not take PPI, if your throat, gut hurts, if you keep saying nausea, if you say I can't take that med, don't know why, if you feel liked you are a hypocondriac but you know you are not, it is all on the Internet when you know where to look.
I am allergic to cellulose. There are a lot of discriptive adjutives that narrow that down but when put in food or meds, the name is wood pulp. Humans do not do wood pulp.
Tell me how rightuloss organic you are, but I have a thyroid problem, I did the natural thyroid. Armour put cellulose, mycrocrystaline cellulose to be specific, in my meds. Wood pulp!
I am not a termite. Google all of this. Read...stopthethyroidmaddness And all the other sites.
Look at the inert ingredients......inert my foot... In ALL the meds you ingest and read... Who much wood have you eaten today. Com
In the most convoluted way, my system got overloaded with cellulose. For years, I didn't understand my body's reject of "I can't take that. Don't know why. It kills my stomach".
I read it over and over again in various forms... My doc says PPI can't cause GERDS, my doc says my Blood pressure meds can't cause GERDS.
My Ibpropen causes GERDS, because I am allergic to mycrocrystaline cellulose. I am allergic to cellulose. I actually understand, all cellulose, mellulose, find a way to name it. I get Ibrepropen liquid, I am allergic to polypropylene glycol, hello...propylene glyco is antifreeze.
All of this I have learned the hard way. Would that you might hear and learn before your body slams down like mine has. I am working thru it.
In retrospect, if some had warned me AND I had heard, and I had had that light bulb moment to reflect.
FDA, says cellulose is OK. Ceck out.....howmuchwoodhave One piece of bread containing cellulose, my allergies go into overdrive, can not swallow, short of breath, voice change, gut hurts. Sound familiar?
If I had know then, what I know now.
It's the horse to water thing.