When I was at the phase you are, my Doctor told me to Raise the head of my bed on 6 inch blocks. Eat smaller meals. Not to eat 4 hours before I went to bed. She told me to take Prilosec OTC 20mg in the morning and Zantac 300 mg before I went to bed. I added Aloe Vera Juice 2 OZ twice a day on my own which has helped me the best. I could not eat much either until I added the Aloe Vera Juice.It tastes terrible , but I have since got used to it. my endo scope diagnosed me with Hiatal hernia chronic esophagitus. So my surgeon did TIF= Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication with Hiatal hernia repair. I am Post op day 8and just beginning to feel better. My hiatal hernia created a big Bulge preventing my valve from closing allowing acid to leak in my esophagus. Google check the TIF operation to see if it is right for you. Make some of the GERD life style changes to see it will help. Best Wishes