Hi Vikram --
I'm glad that you've found ways to moderate your symptoms. I don't visit this forum much any longer, but whenever I see posts with subject lines similar to yours, I take a look.
Without knowing anything else about you other than what you've posted, I would be inclined to identify your problem as more of a "regurgitation" issue than GERD. You don't diagnose youself as a GERD sufferer, but I wanted to make this distinction for the hundreds of others who haunt these forums, and who may read this thread. You noted that eliminating dairy helped, as well as gluten. In addition, you also noted IBS and allergy problems, and perhaps a sugar connection (candida?). All this is indicative of a reactive intolerance, and inflammation.
I'd encourage you to explore this avenue to perhaps discover more relief for yourself. Many doctors prescribe PPIs for patients, when perhaps they aren't GERD sufferers at all. (Be careful about drawing a correlation between PPIs and IBS. It's possible, of course, but also may be coincidental.) A wise person becomes their own advocate, as it seems you have done, and follow a path of self-discovery to find relief.
There are several Indian herbs that reputedly help with inflammation and allergic conditions. Perhaps there is something that might offer you even more relief.
Doctors are still learning about this mysterious condition, but recognize that there are different manifestations of it with different root causes. Closely examining one's symptoms is the first step in finding which category one belongs.
Best wishes.