Ok, so I took my first dose of Prevacid yesterday around 12:30pm. I was feeling fine though. No chest pain, no lump in my throat. Then I decide to go out of town this morning and on the way there, I started having this odd feeling in the left side of my neck...like the seatbelt was cutting into my throat. But it wasn't. Just kept happening. Got home around 11:30am...a little too soon for my pill, so I decided to go take a nap. The phone rang, I ignored it, and decided to roll over on my stomach. OMG, the pain was awful. Very uncomfortable. So I rolled back over to my side. It's now 2:24pm. I am awake. Took a poop (pardon all my details), but my stomach still feels a little tender from where I rolled over on my side, AND I'm having chills. Granted, it's 54 F outside and 68 F inside, so it may just be the temperature, but I'm now worried about
continuing on with this Prevacid. I did forget to mention before that I'm taking 50mg of Atenolol every night. I'm not eating much for fear of all the pain coming back 10 fold. So could this be a possible side effect of the Prevacid, the combination of the two meds(which are taken at least 12 hours apart), or is it just a freak coincidence and it's all in my head? lol I have to tell you, I am a worrywart and worry over everything.
I don't know where else to turn. Doctors won't answer questions over the phone, they simply tell you to go to the hospital which never solves anything for me.