Hi Barry,In the US, a manometry is a required test for a Nissen. We come across a few patient here who didn't have one, but often they're the ones having problems. Someone who posted not that long ago had some type of alternative test to show swallowing issues because they refused a manometry, and the surgeon wanted some information regarding swallowing reflex.
Since the Nissen is going to make it harder to get food through (and harder to get acid out), surgeons feel the manometry critical in making decisions regarding what type (if any) wrap is best suited for the patient. For example, Joy (couchtater) was given a partial wrap because the manometry demonstrated she had swallowing issues.
Nobody likes getting it, but it's a necessary procedure that provides a wealth of information.
I just wish that there was some way we could help you find relief! Sending healing vibes across the "Big Pond"!
Best wishes,