I am super worried. I had reflux surgery December 2011. Other than the inability to burb, and therefore increased gas and bloat, I've been really happy with the outcome.
I have had strange sinus issues for over a week now. Very sore throat with thick drainage that gets stuck in my esaphagus, but no true nasal drip, or need to blow my nose etc.
I feel my reflux has returned. Now I don't know if it is the cart before the horse etc. Did my reflux return causing the sinus issues, or is the drainage and meds I've been taking for it make me feel like I have reflux again? I truly feel my reflux has returned because I started to feel a bit of it right before this sinus issue started. Ugggg!
Going to try to get into my MD today to see if it is just allergies. That's my first step, then my GI will be next if it continues.
I never want to go through reflux again. I have been doing yoga that is a bit intense, so I sort of worry I could have created a slip in the wrap? Sitting here feeling the old tell/tell signs of dreaded reflux. Ugggg!
Anyone ever have this happen?