Hi Barry,Sorry to hear your news. From all that you've described, it seems you have a wrap that is too tight in the worst possible circumstance...a swallowing problem. I know that surgeons don't like to touch wraps if they're intact and holding acid in the stomach. That said, it's asking a lot for you to be told, "Live with it". So, where to go from here. There certainly is some course of action out there for you.
First, is modifying eating habits in an attempt to work with what you've got. I suspect you've already done this, but just in case--see if there are some things you can do to create fewer problems. If that fails, then of course, you need to pursue further medical opinions.
I don't know how many wraps are done where you live. If there are few, I suspect that's the hesitancy in taking down your wrap to create a looser (perhaps partial) wrap that can allow you to swallow even with your dismotility.
Even in this country, many surgeons aren't qualified or experienced in redoing wraps. Still, there are surgeons who specialize in that sort of repair. At least you have a better idea now of what is going on and why you're experiencing problems.
We're with you in spirit. Hang in there!
Best wishes,