Hi Sixness,Yikes! You're in the first week post-op in a recovery that takes six months for most of the healing and a year for the rest. The damage that was done prior to your surgery will take time to heal, so you can't expect the symptoms to disappear instantaneously!
I had very bad lung issues, which is the reason I had the surgery, yet my lungs continued to be very sick for a long time. It took me two and a half months for them to heal. I've heard of pulmonologists who say not to expect healing sooner than six months.
I know that your symptoms have been very hard to deal with, and you're anxious to get them behind you. However, to expect them to disappear immediately after surgery is unreasonable. It would be nice, but it's just not going to happen.
It's different if you're somebody with tons and tons of reflux that is getting into your sinuses and coming out your mouth. There are people who've posted here with those symptoms. Those are the people who notice improvement immediately.
Those of us with atypical symptoms take longer to see improvement. It would be nice to have instant healing, but that's just not going to happen, as much as we'd like it to.
Like you, I was fearful that my ability (actually my stomach's ability) to burp was an indication that my wrap was too loose, and it would not hold back reflux. When I asked the surgeon from my surgeon's group (who came to see me post-op), he said that burping was a benefit and a positive thing. It would help me avoid painful bloating.
Don't be surprised if your wrap becomes increasingly swollen, causing you some more swallowing problems. It's very common to reach peak swelling sometime around the fourteenth day. The chest pain you're feeling is certainly the surgical pain and swelling from the surgery. It is normal and to be expected.
I wish there was a shortcut to this recovery, but there isn't . The first two weeks are very challenging, but once you get those behind you, you'll find gradual improvement. If you can surrender to your recovery, trust that you'll get the results you want, and give your body a chance to heal, it will make things much easier to deal with.
Hang in there! It gets better.
Happy healing,