Hi Grover,
Sorry that you are having a rough time, and do hope that you feel better soon. I too have terrible motility issues which have now progressed to upper dysphagia (through LPR I think) and am having horrible painful oesophageal spasms all the time now. I am due to see a new consultant next Friday who is going to try me on new medication to calm the oesophagus, so fingers crossed.
I'm not sure that you can actually cure your motility, but there are a lot of drugs that can help ease the symptoms and there is always surgery as a final result.
I find that domperidone helps my motility and lanoprazole really helps my LPR. I am also using progressive muscle relaxation, and that does wonders!
I would suggest finding a good consultant who deals in motility issues and see if you can come up with a solution to help you cope.
Yes, sauces certainly make my life easier as food gets caught in the back of my throat now as my UES won't open properly. Also watch textures, keep away from hard tough meats, and stick to soft foods - chicken, baked potatoes, pastas etc. Also A SLT may also help.