Hi All,
Thank to all for their messages.
Read all messages but looking for more reassurance as some seem to deal with difficulties swallowing better than me. Not sure where I am going wrong.
7 days post Linx and really having difficulties swallowing. Just want to do small burps constantly.
Am trying to return to a normal diet and am chewing small amounts really well but they still get stuck and it takes a lot of effort to get it down. Feels like it all wants to burp back up again. Even sipping water makes me belch. Tonight I tried fresh fish and boiled potatoes but I had a bad bout of hiccups and food getting stuck. Very scary.
Will have to go back to soup and take my time. Is this normal and will my body adjust. Had my Linx fitted by one of the best, Professor Franco Fevarrati at the Spire Hospital Manchester and he seemed happy with the procedure. Just seem to have air lodged at the top of my stomach.