TimeToHeal said...
Hi Andy,
I am not totally sure really, I do seem to burp at night when the reflux wakes me up and I take antacids, so does seem like probably too much acid.
The reason I was taking the pepsin supplement was because I just knew it digests protein, and because I was taking acid blockers I figured my acid would maybe be too low to digest protein. So basically I was trying to compensate in order to hopefully still get enough nutrients despite taking acid blockers. It was basically just my ignorance of the whole process, and also reading all the web sites that suggest taking HCl and Pepsin supplements to cure GERD...
Yes Ive read those articles too and imo they are very dangerous as i think most people will have a problem with too much acid. If you have problems quite soon after eating then its probably too much, if it only happens hours after eating its probably too little as thats when the food ferments in the stomach and starts to cause problems.
I dont think you need the pepsin supps anyway, the medication wont affect pepsin secretion, so youll have the right amount in the stoapmach. You can buy digestive enzymes to take with meals if you have having problems with digestion, and ginge and aloe vera are good anti fungal supplements that wont make reflux any worse.